Q:What is the main picture of this law?
A:Arizona legislation passed a law granting policemen to ask for legal documents from any "suspicious" illegal immigrant.

Q:Why is the law so controversial?
A:The new law gives officials the right to ask for legal documents from any whom they consider may be living in the country illegally. This will create racial profiling since policemen will target any foreign looking individual.

Q:Who is this targeting?
A:The new law will target any "foreign" looking individual but will mostly target hispanics as estimations show that 80% of immigrants come from Mexico and Latin America

Q:When does the law go into effect?
A:July 29, 2010

Q:Is Arizona the only state to pass this law?
A:To date, yes. Although other states such as Michigan have Considered it, Arizona is the only state to pass this new law.

Q:How does this affect Michigan occupants?
A:The passing of the AZ law has set a pathway for some michigan legislators who want to pass a similar law here in Michigan.